
The Hobart Men's Barbershop Harmony Club was founded in 1993 as "The Wellingtones" by Dr. Tim Begbie and his quartet Close Shave.

In that year Close Shave was bound for the second AAMBS Barbershop Convention in Perth, Western Australia and formed a barbershop chorus to accompany them.

Tim was the first Musical Director. The group was initially formed by invitation and a some twenty singers combined with Close Shave to make a resoundingly successful concert debut at the Glenorchy Arts Centre.

Unfortunately, the newly formed group was unable to afford the trip to Perth but the group continued in its own right in the local music scene.

When Tim found he was unable to continue as MD due to pressure of work, he still maintained contact with the group and gave support as he was able.

A succession of talented Musical Directors carried the newly formed Wellingtones forward. Beth Rankin, Brian Yates and Philip Giosio were succeeded in turn by Fred Brown. The next MD was Richard Gardam.

As the Wellimgtones morphed into Deep South, Richard was followed by Russel Bailley and then Jeremy Just. The current MD is Kieran Slicer.

The Wellingtones officially formed on the 13th of September 1994 with a loose structure based around the notion that: "First and foremost we are a group of people who meet together to enjoy singing. Let's take whatever action is necessary to ensure that this continues to be so and that Tuesday nights remain a pleasurable experience and not a chore."

In this regard, nothing has changed.

This loose structure continued until 1996. As barbershop singing in Australia was becoming more popular and more organised, the national organisation AAMBS, (the Australian Association of Men's Barbershop Singers) invited The Wellingtones to become their Tasmanian representatives. On Tuesday 2nd April 1996 a constitution was adopted and an executive committee elected.

The membership of the Wellingtones varied over the years from a low of nine to a high of twenty seven.

On the national scene, the chorus has competed at conventions in Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast.

In 2006 the Club was renamed the Hobart Men's Barbershop Harmony Club and restructured to provide an extended range of options for its members. Members can now be in one or more of our choruses and one or more quartets.

Initially created as a competition chorus, combining members of The Wellingtones, Tag Team and Close Shave, Deep South has now become the Club’s flagship chorus.

Copyright © 2025 Deep South Chorus